Prepare Your Outdoor Furniture for Anything With These Weather Resistant Covers


Outdoor furniture can cost a pretty penny, but it’s a necessary investment. Not only does this stuff make your outdoor living space look great, but it also creates an oasis of relaxation and entertainment. Having the ability to enjoy the sun on your face and fresh air in your lungs is priceless. However, you need to be prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws at you.

Rain, shine or snow; there is a weather resistant cover built to withstand the elements no matter where you live. As we dive into all things weather resistant covers, we will discuss why they are important and how to choose the right one for you.

Importance of Weather Resistant Covers

Throughout the year all outdoor furniture covers dubai is exposed to various weather conditions. Rain, UV rays, snow and wind can cause serious damage if not properly protected. Without a barrier between these elements and your precious oasis; you risk fading colors, rusting metal frames and mold growth all over your pillows.

Investing in high-quality outdoor covers will extend the lifespan of your set drastically. Aside from protecting against moisture buildup and UV damage; these covers will ensure that every piece stays clean dry for years to come.

Choosing the Right Cover For You

When choosing which type of cover best fits your needs; its important to keep in mind your specific climate as well as what weather conditions it encounters most often.

Material: There are many materials that these covers come in such as polyster, vinyl, canvas or polyethylene. Each having their own unique advantages tailored towards different climates. Polyster is lightweight making them ideal for moderate climates with mild weather conditons while vinyl offers excellent water resistance and durability so consider them if you have long wet winters or rainy springs.

Size & Fit: Make sure each cover is purchased with the correct dimensions in mind so that there isn’t any excess material flapping in the wind which will allow moisture to seep in.

Ventilation: Mold and mildew is the last thing you want growing on your cushions so ensure that you buy a cover with vents or mesh panels for air circulation

UV Protection: If you live in an area with a ton of sun, this is especially important. Too much sun can cause colors to fade over time.

Waterproofing: For frequent rain and snow, go ahead and grab waterproof covers to add that extra layer of protection.

Tailoring Covers to Different Climates

Hot and Sunny Climates: In regions of the globe that are hot and sunny, it is crucial to protect your furniture from the sun's rays. A good start toward this goal is by choosing UV resistant materials or covers with a UV-blocking coat. Covers with light colors that reflect sunlight rather than take in heat can also be beneficial.

Rainy and Humid Climates: When it comes to rainy and humid climates, moisture protection should be a top priority for your outdoor furniture covers selection. You need something waterproof or at least water-resistant to keep your furniture dry and prevent mold and mildew growth. Breathable materials will allow moisture to escape without letting more in.

Cold and Snowy Climates: If you live in a cold climate, you need proper coverage for your furniture as well—frost doesn't do anyone any favors! Look for covers made of durable, waterproof material designed to stand up against freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall. Reinforced seams will help stop snow from piling up on the surface, while elastic hems keep wind out.

Windy Climates: Lastly, those living in areas prone to high winds should have “security” on their mind when choosing outdoor furniture covers. Fastening mechanisms like straps, buckles, or drawstrings are crucial in preventing your cover from becoming another piece of flying debris during a storm.


Proper Maintenance and Care

Now that we've discussed which type of cover you'll need depending on where you live let’s explore how best to care for them once they’re yours:

Regular Cleaning:

You’ve probably heard this before—and not just about covers—cleaning things regularly helps maintain them over time! It’s no different here; Dirt accumulates fast so clean with mild soap regularly.


Storing anything in direct sunlight is generally not recommended if you want it to last long (especially items that are supposed to be kept dry). So when you’re not using the covers, try and put them in a cool, well-ventilated area.


Like everything else on the planet, furniture covers aren’t invincible. A small tear can quickly become a big problem if not addressed immediately. If you spot damage in your cover at any point, repair or replace it as soon as possible.

Seasonal Adjustment

Different seasons bring different weather; get different covers accordingly. When it snows, use heavier-duty protection to brace against it. When sunshine is abundant choose lighter ones so that they don’t overheat your furniture for no reason.



Outdoor furniture may be designed to withstand the elements but they can only go so far. It’s up to us (and these tips) to make sure our outdoor living spaces stay protected from extreme weather.


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